Daily Archives:Monday January 4th, 2021


International workshop was held within the project «DeDiMaMo»

Jan 04, 21
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On January 4, 2021, a workshop on the issues of adaptive learning was held by representatives of the American company CourseArc Jennifer Miller and Stacey Murphy with a working group of the international Ukrainian-Norwegian project DeDiMaMo consisting of prof. Yu. V. Rogovchenko (The University of Agder, Norway), prof. N. V. Morze (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University), associate professors N. R. Balyk, O. V. Barna, S. V. Martyniuk, V. P. Oleksyuk (all from Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University). During the workshop, the use of the American company’s software, its main features, integration into LMS Moodle, etc. were discussed. The parties agreed on the use of software products in test mode and subsequent meetings for the development and implementation of elements of adaptive learning in educational institutions.