Monthly Archives:December 2020


Presentation of student research projects within the project «DeDiMaMo»

Dec 03, 20
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On December 3, 2020, online meeting of the participants of the international project “DeDiMaMo – Development of students’ mathematical competencies through Digital Mathematical Modeling”, Eurasia program, No. CPEA-ST-2019/10067. 

Representatives of Agder University (Norway), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University took part in the seminar.

Yuriy Rohovchenko, project coordinator at Agder University, Natalia Morse, project coordinator at BGKU, and Nadiya Balyk, Project Coordinator at TNPU addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

The results of student research projects were presented at the seminar. Grinchenko University was represented by 6th year students of Mathematical Modeling Olga Panasyuk, with a report: “Construction and analysis of the econometric model of socio-economic development of Ukraine” (supervisor – Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, Oksana Hlushak) and Vladislav Kvochkin with a presentation: “Modelling the process of pattern recognition using a convolutional neural network (supervisor – Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, Irina Mashkina). Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University made reports by Taras Senkiv on: “Mathematical forecast for the species population numbers in the ecozone of Chortkiv forestry in Ternopil region” and Christina Klapushchak with a presentation: “The use of a class of grid problems in logistics for medium and small businesses in Ukraine“.